Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5pm (03) 9819 4411
Trusted By
30k+ Patients
Performed over
90k+ Procedures
25 Years
of Experience


Kind, Caring & Compassionate
MaxFac Clinic > References

When a patient is referred to our practice, our engagement begins with the initial phone call.

This first point of contact is carefully managed, following best practices that ensure each patient is treated correctly, receiving gentle, compassionate and respectful care at all times. We strive hard to ensure patients have a comfortable, warm and reassuring experience throughout their time with us, as we recognise these visits can feel stressful at times.

MaxFac Clinic adheres to a strict code of professional ethics and clinical care, providing an exceptional level of technical skill, professionalism to give an optimal treatment outcome. We are very experienced in managing situations with tact and sensitivity and are equipped to meet any problem, including emergencies.

A Reliable Referral Partner

We are a reliable referral partner and have strong communication channels to ensure optimum patient care. We liaise closely with our referral partners during their patient’s treatment, and when complete, we return the patient to the referring clinician, along with detailed records on the procedures completed.

Our Referrers

MaxFac Clinic is lucky to work only with the most professional dentists and specialists in Melbourne and have built strong professional relationships with these practices over the years.

We Deliver

Over the years, we have worked hard to build excellent professional relationships based on mutual trust and respect for each others’ skills, clinical expertise and judgement.

Contact & Appointment

Emergency Service