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Orthodontic Extractions

MaxFac Clinic > Our Services > Orthodontic Extractions

Patients seeking orthodontic treatment are sometimes advised they will need one or more teeth removed. Tooth extractions are only recommended when necessary to achieve a straighter and more balanced smile.

Their removal is a safe and effective way to ensure teeth align correctly on the completion of orthodontic treatment. When required, our oral surgeons ensure that teeth are removed as comfortably as possible, ensuring recovery is quicker and smoother.

Why Do Teeth Need to be Removed for Orthodontic Treatment?

The decision to extract teeth in preparation for orthodontic treatment can depend on the degree of overcrowding and malocclusion (poor bite) and the patient’s age. Teeth can be extracted before orthodontic treatment commences or during treatment.

Sometimes a patient might have extra teeth or primary teeth still in place. Teeth may also be removed to help create a more symmetrical appearance, for example, where asymmetry is present due to an uneven number of teeth present in the mouth. There can be a discrepancy between the arch length and teeth size in patients with permanent dentition. In some situations, the upper front teeth may be too protrusive (an overjet) and need to be brought back into line, reducing the horizontal space between the upper and lower front teeth.

Additional reasons for removing teeth for orthodontics include:

  • Extract damaged, infected or decayed teeth and where it is better to realign healthy teeth to fill the gap.
  • Remove teeth that are too large or abnormally shaped to fit comfortably in the mouth.
  • Severe bite issues, such as an open bite or underbite that could be addressed with tooth extraction.

Which Teeth Are Most Likely to be Removed?

The teeth that must be removed depend on the orthodontist’s recommendation, their specific treatment plan, and the patient’s needs. Teeth that might need to be extracted are the premolars, upper and lower second molar teeth, and lower incisal teeth. An orthodontist can recommend the removal of any tooth in the mouth to create a better bite and eliminate overcrowding problems.

What Happens if Teeth are Not Extracted?

Understandably, some patients might feel nervous about having permanent teeth removed, but orthodontic treatment may not achieve the desired and lasting results unless these teeth are extracted. There is less opportunity to correct problems with malocclusion; teeth might be moved to less stable positions with a greater chance of orthodontic relapse as the patient ages.

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