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Wisdom Teeth

MaxFac Clinic > Post Surgery > Wisdom Teeth

Our oral surgeons are extremely experienced in wisdom tooth removal, and immediately after wisdom teeth are removed, we place a gauze pad over the surgery site to stop initial bleeding.

After half an hour, the gauze pad can be removed and discarded. Patients should rest for the remainder of the day, resuming normal activity when they feel comfortable.

What to Expect When Recovering from Wisdom Tooth Surgery

It is perfectly normal for the surgery site to ooze a little blood as it begins to heal or for patients to see redness in their saliva. We supply gauze pads just for this purpose, and a pad should be placed over the area while biting down firmly. Keep pressure on the pad for 30 minutes, repeating if needed. If the surgery site continues to bleed, bite down on a moist teabag for 30 minutes as the tannins help form a clot by causing the blood vessels to contract.


Some swelling is expected, depending on the number of wisdom teeth removed and the complexity of the surgery. Swelling is the body’s normal reaction to a surgical procedure and begins the healing process. It may be noticeable the day after surgery and will continue for two or three days afterwards.

Using ice packs can help reduce swelling, and these should be used for the first 36 hours after surgery, after which it’s more useful to switch to moist heat to continue reducing swelling. It’s normal to experience swelling or stiffness after wisdom tooth surgery for several days.

Facial bruising or discolouration may occur two or three days after surgery. Using moist heat can help to speed up healing so bruising disappears more quickly.

Pain Relief

Any pain medication prescribed should be taken as directed, as the anaesthesia wears off. If we have prescribed strong painkillers, these might induce drowsiness or feelings of grogginess. In this case, it is important to avoid driving or operating machinery and avoid alcohol. If antibiotics have been prescribed, these should be taken as directed and be sure to complete the course.

Healing after wisdom tooth surgery should be smooth and uneventful, but if the empty socket becomes more painful after a few days, please contact our practice for further help and advice. Very rarely, an empty tooth socket can become infected with a condition called dry socket. This can occur if the blood clot that forms in the socket is dislodged. We can clean out the empty socket and place medication to help it heal and relieve discomfort.

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