Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5pm (03) 9819 4411
Trusted By
30k+ Patients
Performed over
90k+ Procedures
25 Years
of Experience

Our Referrers

MaxFac Clinic > References > Our Referrers

MaxFac Clinic is lucky to work only with the most professional dentists and specialists in Melbourne and have built strong professional relationships with these practices over the years.

These clinicians choose to refer patients to our specialist practice for oral and maxillofacial surgery because they know we will continue to provide the same level of high-quality care and professionalism their patients are accustomed to and expect. They can rely on us focusing on patient well-being and providing only the best quality and most appropriate treatment and procedures. Our strong communication channels ensure each patient receives optimum care every time.

Working Closely with our Referring Partners

When a patient is referred to our clinic, we always liaise closely with our referring partners, ensuring they remain closely involved with the patient’s proposed treatment plan, offering complete transparency. Our referring partners know when these treatments will take place and the recovery plan afterwards. We always provide a complete and detailed report following the completion of work and are always available for follow-ups after returning patients’ care to the referring clinicians.

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