Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5pm (03) 9819 4411
Trusted By
30k+ Patients
Performed over
90k+ Procedures
25 Years
of Experience

We Deliver

MaxFac Clinic > References > We Deliver

We aim to always meet and exceed our partners’ clinical expectations for their patients.

Our referring partners are extremely important to our clinic. Over the years, we have worked hard to build excellent professional relationships based on mutual trust and respect for each others’ skills, clinical expertise and judgement.

Delivering Peace of Mind

Referring partners can expect complete peace of mind, knowing their patient is managed by a highly professional coordinated support team, all of whom are handpicked because they love their work. Our team realise patients will frequently feel anxious or nervous or may not fully understand what to expect. Our trained and experienced support team will gently guide them through each process, ensuring they feel relaxed and comfortable during each visit.

Managing Problems and Emergency Situations with Sensitivity

Our skilled oral and maxillofacial surgeons can sensitively and tactfully manage any emergency or problem. This includes situations that may arise during routine treatments undertaken by referring clinicians.

Treating Routine and Complex Surgical Problems

MaxFac Clinic handles routine and more complex surgical problems, including facial reconstruction and facial trauma, so our partners only need to refer patients to a single practice. There is no need to deal with multiple clinics.

Contact & Appointment

Emergency Service