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Implant Technology

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Dental implants are increasingly the treatment of choice to replace failing and missing teeth and are very versatile. Our experienced surgeons can replace one or multiple teeth with dental implants, including full-arch restorations. Restorations include fixed implant crowns and bridges and removable implant-supported dentures.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a small screw made from titanium or zirconia, surgically inserted into the jawbone. Once in the jawbone, the screw integrates or fuses with the bone surrounding it over three to six months, during a process called osseointegration, forming a strong attachment that can easily support an implant tooth.

The implant has three parts, the first of which is the screw. The second is the implant abutment attached to the screw, protruding just above the gum line. The final part is the crown, bridge or denture, completing treatment.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

When teeth are missing, it can detract from appearance and make it awkward to socialise without feeling embarrassed. Food choices can be limited, so it is harder to eat favourite foods and choose a nutritious diet. Implant treatment restores appearance and functionality, so patients can talk and smile confidently. Biting strength increases, so it is easier to enjoy a wide variety of food comfortably.

After natural teeth are removed, the jawbone quickly begins to resorb. Dental implants prevent further bone loss, preserving the jawbone. People who are missing multiple teeth will often notice their facial appearance changes. Dental implants help protect facial appearance by providing the proper support for muscles in the cheeks and lips and restoring the proper dimensions.

What Is the Process for Having Dental Implants?

Anyone interested in dental implants must have a full consultation with our experienced oral surgeons. We assess each potential patient’s dental and medical health carefully to check there are no contraindications to treatment. The next stage is to carry out preparatory work, including a cone beam CT scan and other diagnostic tests. These tests are used to plan implant surgery precisely, ensuring each implant is placed optimally to provide the best aesthetics and functionality. Meticulously planning implant surgery ensures the procedure is faster and more comfortable, so recovery is quicker.

Implant surgery can be performed using local anaesthesia. When implant treatment is more complex or lengthier, we may suggest sedation dentistry to ensure patients feel more comfortable and relaxed. Afterwards, discomfort should be minimal, and usually, it is possible to return to work and normal activities the next day.

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