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Wisdom Teeth

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One of our most requested services is wisdom teeth removal, and our experienced oral surgeons take great care to ensure wisdom teeth are extracted as comfortably as possible.

Wisdom teeth are the large third molars right at the back of the mouth and are the last to appear, usually during the late teens and early 20s. Because they emerge years after the adult teeth, they are given the name wisdom teeth because it is presumed that because people are older, they are therefore wiser.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need Extracting?

There are several reasons why wisdom teeth may need removing.

  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Often, there is insufficient room for wisdom teeth to erupt fully. Consequently, a wisdom tooth may become impacted, where it is stuck in the gum or will partially erupt, sometimes at an angle.
  • Dental Caries: Wisdom teeth are often difficult to clean thoroughly, especially when they only partially erupt and are prone to tooth decay.
  • Pericoronitis: The gum around wisdom teeth can become inflamed, infected, and painful due to bacteria and food debris trapped around the tooth.
  • Orthodontics: When there isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth to erupt fully, existing teeth can become overcrowded unless wisdom teeth are removed.
  • Cyst: A wisdom tooth develops in a sac in the jawbone, and if this fills with fluid, it can form a cyst, potentially damaging the jawbone, nerves and teeth unless removed.

What Is the Process for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Diagnostic x-rays show the position of wisdom teeth yet to erupt or which are partially erupted. Our surgeons use these images to determine if wisdom tooth removal is necessary and, if so, to plan treatment.

Removing a wisdom tooth can be very straightforward, especially when it is partially or fully erupted and is visible in the mouth. In this case, the tooth may be removed using a local anaesthetic to ensure there is no discomfort. When a wisdom tooth is impacted and is stuck in the jaw, removing it is more complex, and we may advise sedation dentistry to ensure patients feel comfortable. A severely impacted wisdom tooth may be cut into sections while still in the jaw, ensuring that the incisions are as small as possible and aiding healing afterwards. Removing a single wisdom tooth can take anywhere from 20 minutes up to an hour.

Typically, it takes a week to recover after surgery. We provide precise instructions on caring for the mouth during healing, including which foods to eat and those best avoided initially.

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