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MaxFac Clinic > Post Surgery > Discomfort

It is perfectly normal to feel some degree of discomfort after surgery and as the anaesthetic wears off. We provide patients with individualised information on how to deal with discomfort or pain.

The advice depends on the surgery they receive and is made after reviewing their medical history, including the use of any prescription medications. It is important to make sure any prescription or medication we recommend is appropriate and safe. There is some general advice on coping with discomfort below.

Discomfort can be controlled by taking appropriate pain medication. We may suggest taking this medicine before the numbness wears off, as this approach can make it easier to control pain. We can prescribe medication to control the discomfort or discuss suitable over the counter medicines to use.

Ice packs are very helpful in relieving discomfort during the first thirty-six hours after surgery. They should be applied for fifteen minutes then removed for another fifteen minutes, as often as needed. After the first thirty-six hours, ice packs become less effective in relieving discomfort, and we advise switching to moist heat packs, ensuring they are not too hot as they could burn the skin.

Jaw stiffness is another perfectly normal symptom, and it could be difficult to open the jaw for the first few days after surgery. Teeth nearby the surgery site may ache temporarily. It is not unusual to have an earache or a sore throat for a few days afterwards.

When does Will Discomfort start to Decrease?

Discomfort and pain after oral surgery should gradually decrease with each day. Soreness is expected for the first four or five days after surgery, but after the third day, any signs of soreness or jaw stiffness should not worsen and should respond to pain medication. A dull ache may be present for a few weeks following oral surgery and is perfectly normal. It should gradually disappear as the facial muscles recover from surgery.

What to Do If Discomfort Increases?

If discomfort and pain begin to increase after the first few days of recovery, please contact MaxFac Clinic. It is extremely important to contact us if worsening pain is accompanied by symptoms such as a fever, a foul taste, or increasing facial swelling.

We are always here to assist patients in pain or discomfort, providing prompt treatment to relieve these symptoms. An infection after surgery is rare, and we can arrange a proper evaluation to ensure there are no problems with healing and make sure any pain is adequately controlled.

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